Internet Social Media platforms come and go. I toyed with My Space and Friendster before blogger. I tried Yahoo Geo Cities before it shut down.
Online games that time was 2D like Utopia with a dial up connecton. Flickr was my photo album until Google photos came. Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Tumblr emerged and I tried those too. Now that the more dominant platforms are merging with AI, the opportunity to unlearn and relearn becomes imminent.
So if you come across a mixture of my older postings, please ignore the errors as they were composed using older platforms. Some may be missing photos as it shows my struggle with the disruptions.
Yes, some painful lessons learnt, This is one storyteller's tale as he sails out into borderless space navigating through the unpredictable uncertainties of digital technology evolution.
Setting up one's sail against the wind of change is futile. Sail with it for the wind's direction is controlled by the powerful few.
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